a word equation for burning LPG

2007-10-09 3:58 am
a word equation for burning LPG

回答 (2)

2007-10-09 4:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Liquefied petroleum gas (also called LPG, LP Gas, or autogas) is a mixture of hydrocarbon gases used as a fuel in heating appliances and vehicles. Varieties of LPG bought and sold include mixes that are primarily propane, mixes that are primarily butane, and the more common, mixes including both propane (60%) and butane (40%), depending on the season—in winter more propane, in summer more butane. Propylene and butylenes are usually also present in small concentration. A powerful odorant, ethanethiol, is added so that leaks can be detected easily. The international standard is EN 589.
Burning (Complete combustion) of hydrocarbon can be described as hydrocarbon with oxygen gas becomes carbon dioxide and water (steam).
For example, complete combustion of propane C3H8 is
C3H8 + 5 O2 -> 3 CO2 + 4 H2O,
and complete combustion of butane C4H10 is
2 C4H10 + 13 O2 -> 8 CO2 + 10 H2O.
I hope this can help your understanding. :)
參考: My knowledge
2007-10-11 2:20 am
LPG + O2 = CO2
參考: me ^^

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