
2007-10-09 3:55 am

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2007-10-09 7:24 am
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Bullet-resistant glass is basically made by layering a polycarbonate material between pieces of ordinary glass in a process called lamination.
Bullet proof glass, and plastic analogs, are made of composite phases, not a single pure composition. The phases are sometimes laminated [sandwiched] or other times "globs" of one phase are suspended in the other. Two requirements are necessary: 1. One phase is hard and the other is rubbery. This allows the impact energy of the projectile to be absorbed before stresses build up so high that the pane cracks. 2. The second requirement is that the index of refraction of the two phase compositions must be nearly identical so that the composite remains visibly transparent.
Because the synthetic options in organic polymers is greater than inorganic glasses, most "bullet proof" glasses are indeed organic.
Bullet-resistant glass is a multi-layered product, consisting of three or more sheets of glass with interlayers offering greater resistance than other typical product available. As a transparent glazing material, it offers visual clarity for observation and brings light into the space. Made to fulfill the needs for special protection requirements, the interlayers of glass are fused together to absorb the tremendous energy that needs to be dissipated when a bullet strikes. Ideal for exterior use.
At first glance, bullet-resistant glass looks identical to an ordinary pane of glass, but that's where the similarities end. An ordinary piece of glass shatters when struck by a single bullet. Bullet resistant glass is designed to withstand one or several rounds of bullets depending on the thickness of the glass and the weapon being fired at it. So, what gives bullet-resistant glass the ability to stop bullets?
Different manufacturers make different variations of bullet-resistant glass, but it is basically made by layering a polycarbonate material between pieces of ordinary glass in a process called lamination. This process creates a glass-like material that is thicker than normal glass. Polycarbonate is a tough transparent plastic -- often known by the brand name Lexan, Tuffak or Cyrolon. Bullet-resistant glass is between 7 millimeters and 75 millimeters in thickness. A bullet fired at a sheet of bullet-resistant glass will pierce the outside layer of the glass, but the layered polycarbonate-glass material is able to absorb the bullet's energy and stop it before it exits the final layer.
The ability of bullet-resistant glass to stop a bullet is determined by the thickness of the glass. A rifle bullet will collide with the glass with a lot more force than a bullet from a handgun, so a thicker piece of bullet-resistant glass would be needed to stop a rifle bullet as opposed to a handgun bullet.
There is also one-way bullet-resistant glass available, which has one side able to stop bullets, while the other side allows bullets to pass through it unaffected. This gives a person being shot at the ability to shoot back. This type of bullet-resistant glass is made by laminating a brittle sheet of material with a flexible material.
Imagine a car equipped with this one-way bullet-resistant glass. If a person outside the car shoots a bullet into the window, the bullet would strike the brittle side first. This brittle material would shatter around the point of impact and absorb some of the energy over a large area. The flexible material then absorbs the remaining energy of the bullet, stopping the bullet. A bullet fired from inside the same car would easily pass through the glass because the bullet's force is concentrated on a small area, which causes the material to flex. This causes the brittle material to break outwards, allowing the bullet to pierce the flexible material and strike its target.
I hope this can help your understanding. :)

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