可否幫我翻譯幾句中文? (20分)

2007-10-09 3:48 am

回答 (3)

2007-10-09 4:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
If it is the first group: Now, let's start with group x
If not: It's time for group x to do their presentation.
If it is the first group: Group x has been a good start. Let's go on to the next group.
If not: Great job, group x. Now let's go on to the next group.
Let's pass our time back to our teacher. Thank you for your cooporation.

You can ask your classmates to give group x "a big hand" after 1 and 2
2007-10-10 2:36 am
Tomorrow I want to be chair, called class English students from sharing books, I would like to ask how a few Chinese English expression.

1. The group now .... we share.

2 ..... group has done well, to enable us to appreciate the next group sharing.

3. Fan following time for a teacher than ....
2007-10-09 3:57 am
1. For the time being, let us have (x group/group 1) to share their book to us.

2. Thanks (x group/group 1), you have a great performance, let us invite the second group (now/to share their book to us).

3.Let us pass the time to (our teacher/ the next one).

2007-10-11 16:47:09 補充:
參考: 成日演講ge我

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