
2007-10-09 2:56 am

回答 (3)

2007-10-09 3:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實如果你有密碼是可以用提款咭取回的, 如果你無通知銀行, 到戶口兩年無郁過佢就會自動取消, 但如果有人争產, 就會引致法律問題, 正確做法是去通知銀行, 然後由合法繼承人去領回就最好.
2007-10-19 8:27 am
It is illegal to use the ATM card to withdraw the money from the estates of the deceased. A Probate (with a Will) or a Letter of Administration (without a Will) must be applied and obtained from the legal department before you can deal with the estates.
2007-10-09 7:21 am
儲蓄戶口是即時被銀行凍結 once the death certificate is issued.
Bank will only release the money upon receipt order from the court.

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