唔該把 的故事翻譯英文!!!

2007-10-09 1:13 am


回答 (2)

2007-10-09 1:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
The little boy found that he had so much fun on lying to others.
Therefore, he tried out a second time.
He ran up to the mountain once again, cried out loudly, “WOLF! There is a WOLF! Neighbors, come and help me!”
For sure, it was another joke.
The villagers went to help him immediately, but they soon found out, the boy was lying.

The little boy noticed that he had angered all the people in the village.
The villagers swear not to trust him anymore.
One day, the little boy climbed up to the same mountain.
Although he had been there for many times, it could still be a dangerous place.
After a while, he heard footsteps walking towards him.
He turned around and saw a big red wolf.
“Help! Help! There is a big red wolf!” he screamed.
However, no one help him, as everyone thought he was lying again.

2007-10-09 17:59:16 補充:
woof is coming<--(好像不對)
2007-10-10 3:27 am
Once upon a time there was a shepherd-boy, who watched a flock of sheep on a hill near a village.One day, he was very bored,so he cried out, "Wolf! Wolf!" The villagers heard his cry so they ran up to the hill to help him, but when they went to the hill they could see no wolf, only the shepherd-boy laughing at them. The villagers angrily went down the hill.

The next day, shepherd-boy cried again, "Wolf! Wolf!" The villagers heard his cry again so they ran up to the hill to help him again, and again they found that they were tricked. This time the villagers were furious. They decided never to trust him again.

The Wolf, however, did truly come at last. The Shepherd-boy, now really alarmed, shouted in terror: "Wolf, Wolf! The Wolf is killing the sheep"; but no one paid any attention to his cries. The Wolf, having no cause of fear, ate a lot and destroyed the whole flock.

After this the shepherd-boy was very sad, but now he knows no one ever belives in a liar.
參考: ME

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