runescape clan chat 問題

2007-10-09 12:36 am
我去左Zezima個個既clan chat~
但係我打/hi,然後個到寫住You are not allowed to talk in this clan channel.



riccoszeto: 但係我join到uloveme個clan chat! (uloveme都係member,uloveme係全runescape number2)

回答 (7)

2007-10-09 3:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
因爲 Zezima 個 clan chat set咗做:
Who are allow to talk: Friends+

即係除非 Zezima 識你亦都將你加入咗去 friend list 你先可以講野
2007-10-15 1:35 am
Because Zezima didn't added you as a friend.
2007-10-11 3:46 am
first u didn't change the person in your chanchat or he don't change u in to his goup
參考: me
2007-10-10 8:02 pm
he set his clan chat allow his friends to chat only
2007-10-09 11:00 am
Zezima has turned his clan chat to Friends+ talk only,

But sometimes u can talk in uloveme's clan chat,

I can always talk in uloveme's clan chat because i'm ranked,and kick ppl,

to be ranked, first thing is add as friend, only ppl who is in friend list can be ranked,

If you want to talk in zezima's clan chat, the only way is he add you,or he turns it to anyone can talk.(nearly impossible)

You can meet me in uloveme clan chat My name: Matthew Ho
I'm in uloveme's friend list (not lying)

2007-10-12 21:33:07 補充:
第1,2,6個人d答案錯架,信我(116 lvl)
2007-10-09 2:21 am
1, You have been kicked by the keeper.

Kicked by the keeper (The one with the key.) Which is uloveme...they don't let people they don't know in the chat.

2, You aren't in the clan

You haven't joined the clan uloveme is in, so you are not allowed.

3, Isn't uloveme's friend.

Would you be happy for someone popping out and saying hi?
2007-10-09 12:46 am
Reason 1:your combat lvl not very high so you cannot join Zezima's clan chat

Reason2:your rank in hiscores not very high so you connot join Zezima's clan chat

Reason3:Zezima is a member so you are not allowed to join Zezima's clan chat

2007-10-08 19:06:03 補充:
So sorry,make a mistake so reason3 please delete in your mind.And just like the person under and say,there is a keeper.
參考: My brain

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