
2007-10-09 12:04 am
想問問在香港兌換日元哪兒最平? 及退稅問題?

回答 (3)

2007-10-09 12:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you are looking for the cheapest is really hard to compare because all of them are about the same only a dollar or two different
But I think the best place to change it is to the banks, HSBC, etc because their change rate is the most accurate....
When your in the custom in japan airport before you leave japan, talk to the custom agent and show the bill and they surely going to help you they are very nice you know ^.^
參考: myself past experience when traveling to Japan
2007-10-11 8:32 am
Recently, I have asked for the exchange rate of some banks....
The Bank of East Asia provides the most favourable exchange rate. If you have bank accounts with them, no service charge, otherwise, they will charge for HK$50.

If you have no bank accounts with BEA, you may go to 百年找換shop (中環華人銀行大廈), the rate is quite good.

Only the shop with tax refund lable will arrange for the tax refund to the tourist if you purchase for more than 10,001 Yen in one shopping mall. You can present your passport together with the invoices to the tax refund counter to arrange for tax refund.
參考: my experience
2007-10-10 8:03 am


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