想問一下有沒有"document control method"的不同方法。

2007-10-08 8:14 pm
例如用印章, 不同顏色的受控文件印章

回答 (2)

2007-10-09 6:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Document Control method--Hard Copy
Doucments are considered information type, knowledge type and legal type and the like.
Activities of document control could be five as from a) to e)
a) storing & keeping, b) tranportation or transferring, c) alterated & amended, d) reading, and e) producing and establishing
However document control could be in these ways
1) Authority of handling could be different levels that who have the right of performing a),b),c), d) & e)
2) Document traceability--clear records on who/whom/when/where/what purpose that documents have been performaned by a),b),c),d, & e)
3) Control of no of published hard copies and their locations
4) Different colors label for degrees of importance and securities

2007-10-09 10:20:04 補充:
Improved the wording as c) alterated & amended is replaced by c) amended & updated
參考: Own writing
2007-10-09 6:44 am
Developing National Standard Methods:
It takes on average about a year to draft and issue a new National Standard Method (also known as a National Standard Operating Procedure - SOP). We have an agreed format and work from first principles searching the literature to find best practice. Drafts are written and then agreed at the appropriate working group followed by wider consultation with our password holders.
The consultation process is undertaken by posting the draft document on this password protected website and asking for comments within a given time. The comments received on each SOP are compiled into a new document (termed Review of Service Comments) and comments are reviewed at the working group meetings.
The Reviews of Service Comments documents are also placed on this web site. Two consultations are usually carried out. At the second consultation, laboratories are asked to 'try out' the SOP and to feed back any problems. The SOPs are subsequently issued to HPA laboratories with a six week time scale for implementation.
National Standard Methods are revised and reissued according to a schedule. They are also revised and reissued if there is an area of concern that needs modification to the document.
Document Control:
All draft and issued documents are subject to a rigorous document control process within the Standards Unit, ESL. All drafts are kept within the Quality System and administered by the SOP administrator. A Guidance Note on document control is available (QSOP 2) and is being updated to reflect our new paperless system.
After the SOPs are issued, the responsibility for document control lies with the Quality Manager in the receiving laboratory.


Structurice 常組織:判斷物品的重要性及使用量,例如組織來貨及分類,存放在貨架上,把無用的東西棄掉。

Systematise 常整頓:決定物品的擺放地方和存量,例如工具台上的工具,必須整齊排列,務求在三十秒內可找到想要的東西。

Sanitise 常清潔:由上層至下級,經常保持廠內清潔、明亮,強調個人衛生責任。

Standardise 常規範:增加各項貨品的『透明度』及貼上合適標記,利用創意及『視覺管理法』。


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