咩野叫做"benchmark" of C&B??

2007-10-08 7:40 pm
成日聽人地做C&B時要幫公司做Benchmark,究竟係咩黎? 同埋係點做? Please give detials.


回答 (2)

2007-10-15 2:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
在 C&B 方面, benchmark job 就是一些用來做 salary survey 的 standard job.

一間機構 (尤其是大機構) 通常會有數百個職位, 當做 salary survey 時, 沒可能每一個職位都逐一去做, 他們會從現有的職位之中, 選擇一些 benchmark job (或 standard job) 來做 survey.

這些 benchmark job, 其實是隨便地選出來的, 並沒有甚麼規限, 只要參與 survey 的機構大家同意便可以.

舉一個實例, Programmer會是其中一個 benchmark job. 舉例說, 它的requirement 是 Degree + 2 yrs exp. 當參與 survey 的機構有 Programmer 這職位時, 而 requirement 又是 Degree + 2 yrs exp. 的話, 他們便會互相公開這職位的 salary data, 從而作出第一個 benchmark job 的初步比較.

舉多一個例子, 另一個 benchmark job 或者會是 Administrative Assistant, requirement 例如是 F.7 + 5 yrs exp. 當任何一間參與 survey的機構有 Administrative Assistant 這職位時, 而 requirement又是 F.7 + 5 yrs exp. 的話, 他們亦會互相公開這職位的 salary data, 用來比較第二個 benchmark job.

舉多一個高級的例子, Technical Manager 是另一個 benchmark job, requirement 是 Degree + 8 yrs exp. 當任何機構有這個職位及同樣 requirement 時, 他們亦都會互相公開 Technical Manager 的 salary data, 用來比較第三個 benchmark job. 如此類推, 直至做完所有 benchmark job (或 standard job) 為止.

記著, 我們選擇 benchmark job 時, 真的沒有任何規限, 但我可留意到這些 benchmark job 的分佈是由低級至高級, 目的是好讓大家做完 salary survey 時, 都可以搜集到低級至高級的 benchmark job (或standard job) salary data, 然後 plot 一條 market pay line 出來, 於是各人便可以將自己機構中的職位和 market pay 比較高低.

如仍有不明白, 不妨補充再問.
2007-10-09 1:58 am

Benchmark are refer to:

Benchmark (surveying), a point of reference for a measurement
Benchmark (crude oil), a reference for and discussion of cost and/or pricing of petroleum, such as Brent Crude and West Texas Intermediate in terms of benchmarks based on classification differences.
Benchmark (computing), the result of running a computer program, or a set of programs, in order to assess the relative performance of an object by running a number of standard tests and trials against it
Benchmarking (geolocating), a sport similar to geocaching in which participants individually go out and find benchmarks
Benchmarking, the process used in management in which organizations evaluate various aspects of their processes in relation to the best practice, usually within their own sector
Benchmark Capital, a venture capital firm behind various startups, such as (and including) eBay.
The term benchmark originates from the chiseled horizontal marks that surveyors made, into which an angle-iron could be placed to bracket ("bench") a levelling rod, thus ensuring that the levelling rod can be repositioned in exactly the same place in the future.

參考: wikipedia

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