
2007-10-08 6:35 pm
simon and his mother 去百貨公司購物。他們看了一些文具和玩具但是simon不喜歡!他們來到了賣機器人的店simon一看見那個機器人就喜歡上。他媽媽就幫他買了機器人作爲聖誕禮物!回家后,simon就迫不及待的做完作業。拿者機器人按下按鈕,那機器人就唱歌和跳舞還會講話呢!

回答 (5)

2007-10-08 6:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你在yahoo search內打translate有好多網比你做這編文的翻譯
2007-10-08 8:20 pm
The his mother of the simon and goes to department store shopping.They saw some stationeries and toy but simon doing not like!They arrived at robot seller store simon a see that robot fancying.Did his mother buy robot to make for him?Christmas present!After going home, the simon finishes doing homework for the no time for waiting.Take robot to press a button, will that robot's singing a song also talk with dancing!
12:00 ago, quick~use past tense soon
參考: ME
2007-10-08 7:03 pm
上位網友已翻譯了大部份, 只想在後部份略加詳譯:

After returned to home, Simon impatiently finished his homework( and played the robot). When the botton of the robot was pressed, it could sing and dance. Besides, it could even talk!

註: ( )部份為原文沒有的部份, 但個人認為如欠缺了便在回應上下文處有些不順, 所以額外附加.
2007-10-08 6:49 pm
Simon and his mother went to shopping in the shopping mall. They saw some stationery and toys but Simon hated them. Soon, they went to a shop that sold robot. Simon loved it very much. His mother bought the robot to Simon for a Christmas present! When the came back home. Simon done his homework urgency. And he took out his robot and pressed the bottom, it will sing, dance and talk!
2007-10-08 6:44 pm
Simon and his mother went to shopping mall. They spotted some stationery but Simon didn't like them. Then they went into a store selling robots. Simon loved the robots at the first sight. His mother bought one for his Christmas present. When they went back home, after Simon had finished his homework, he realised the robots can sing and even talk!

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