Describe any 10 features solely found in oil tanker ?

2007-10-08 8:51 am
own characteristic ~

回答 (1)

2007-10-09 8:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案

built with a honeycomb construction
built of stainless steel for the carriage of different grades and types of petrolum products which can be acidic, toxic, flammable, heavy, waxy, light, free running, etc...
built with double bottom and double side connection and reinforced structure to restrain from severe collision
designed and arranged with six couples of cargo tanks and two slop tanks
designed to stand for up to 1.5 tonnes per cubic meters
designed with emergency isolation for fire safety
built to prevent or substain longer from corrosion protection
tanks protected by a double hull structure around the sides and bottom
tanks filled with a blanket of inert gas for safety practice
equipped with powerful pumps

Source : Guide for the Structural Design of Oil Tankers

2007-10-09 22:02:44 補充:
U r Welcome ;-D

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