help...i can't stop picking my nose?

2007-10-07 10:24 pm
seriously..i have lost 4 jobs and 5 girlfriends this past year to this problem, not to mention been in two car accidents do to not having full control of the wheel because i was digin in my nose...

and now i get those nose bleeds recently because there is no longer an moisture in my nose...

my outer nose is all read..

there is boogers all over my car and bed sheets and floor..

please a mess

回答 (16)

2007-10-07 10:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
get a spray bottle to keep on hand to moisturize, and an extra intravenous bag of blood in case you start hemorrhaging out of your shroz. otherwise, dig deep and enjoy!!

2007-10-07 10:27 pm
your disgusting
2007-10-07 10:27 pm
go to rehab =D but seriously dude, that sucks. how about everytime you want to pick your nose bite your tongue. or maybe put pepper on your finger so whenever you go to pick your nose it will burn. hope that helps!
2007-10-07 10:27 pm
EWWWW. im sorry, but thats really disgusting and unhygenic.

think about how gross that is. that should stop you.
2007-10-07 10:26 pm

Tell yourself just to STOP STOP STOP!
Put some horrible smelling stuff on your fingers so when you shove it up there you'll hate the stink and pull it out.

Good Luck!
2007-10-07 10:26 pm
it sounds like a compulsion I would go to a doctor or a therapist for help it sounds serious
2007-10-11 10:30 pm
Go see a therapist. Seriously. What you have is affecting your life. There is probably a reason behind your compulsion and you need to see a therapist to find out how to fix it. Bring tissues with you when you go.
2007-10-07 10:41 pm
You definitely have OCD. I think you should really go to see a psychologist and get help for it. I don't think seeing a normal doctor will help cuz he'll just give you medicine to stop the bleeding or infections that etc... Best way is to see a psychologist and search for answers why you do this sort of act. There might be something bothering you that you're not aware of ... For example: Nail biting.. Some people bite their nails. Most often they do that because they're nervous, shy etc..

So, see a psychologist! It's the best way...
2007-10-07 10:33 pm
airborne particles /obsessive complusive
2007-10-07 10:32 pm
You need to use your finger instead of toilet paper and never wash your hands.
2007-10-07 10:30 pm
Are you Mister Boston from I love NY/
2007-10-07 10:30 pm
ewwwwwww just STOP
this sounds like something on Maruy Show maybe u should consier.............
2007-10-07 10:28 pm
im sorry man but thats funny lmfao..
but ok i have a cousin that had the same problem as you
and what we used to do is
put his hand n pepper juice and he always had to keep his hands wet so he could stop
and what that does is when you touch ur nose and start digging in it.. it will Burn inside ur nose.. now really it stopped him really fast because he didnt like the pain so maybe u should try it
2007-10-07 10:28 pm
wow!!! R U SERIOUS?! dude, this is a very bad habit! i mean look what it has done to you! well, i'll tell you what helped my bad habit of biteing my nails...MA MOMS STUCK CHICKEN SH!T ON EM! and i NEVER chewed on them again, so try and do somethin nasty like that....i guess? lol idunno thats a hard one. JUST STOP ITS GROSS THINK ABOUT HOW MUCH OTHERS THINK YOUR DISGUSTING AND A LOW LIFE WHEN YOU DO IT...and maybe you'll stop?
2007-10-07 10:28 pm
If your being serious this is what you can do.. don't clip your nails anymore. your nails will get long and it will hurt and you'll stop.
2007-10-07 10:28 pm
are you serious? lmfoa aperently you were raised by wolves if this is true. thats nasty dude.

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