46" LCD 電視邊部好?

2007-10-08 7:04 am
46" LCD 電視邊部好?

回答 (2)

2007-10-19 8:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
唔使問, 一定係SONY最好!!!! 但係係最貴!!!!
你去豐澤百老匯個D睇下, 成日都有推廣嫁!!!
前排先見到佢地推廣, 買LG電視機, 又送HI-FI又送手機
參考: 自己
2007-10-20 12:46 am
Sure for Sony X series... but the price also @@.

Before you make decision.. you MUST need to go and see the quality, and also, if you always use the LCD TV to watch the TV Program, you must asl the sales peopel to switch the TV channel for you to see. Even they always say, in the building, the TV signal no good, but at least ALL no good condition, still can do some compare.

Of course, some LCD at very very cheap cheap price, but you should aware that, this LCD TV will watch for at least 3 years, if the quality is BAD, you have to accept it for next three years. Even cheap cheap price, but you may spend more $$ for maintenance.

NO 100% answer, it really depend on what you want. May be you don't like Sony quality and buy other.

*** Sony have promotion... buy 42" will get one 20/26" LCD TV (forgot which size and model), if you need one for bed room, you can think about it!!!

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