economics,,basic questions~~~

2007-10-08 4:08 am
1)the government will implement 1 of the following projects:

1st choice:reclamation
2nd choice:flyover
3rd choice:road tunnel

which of the following will change the oppurtunity cost of choosing the reclamation project?

A.the government rejects the flyover projects
B.the reclamation project negatively impact the environment

答案係b,但係點解唔係a?放棄左flyover project,opportunity cost唔係應該轉左做3rd choice咩?

回答 (1)

2007-10-13 7:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
唔係...b 係岩既...
因為佢係問...change the opportunity cost of choosing the reclamation project
就算佢放棄既個個value change...對佢個opportunity cost 都冇影響~
但係更多既 value forgone 就令opportunity cost 多左~
唔係....a 岩丫...
因為佢improve 個design 既目的係要 attract mainland tourists ~
咁即係話佢係為左解決 for whom 既問題 去改變佢既生產方式~

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