Toyota rav

2007-10-08 2:14 am
我想問下 Toyota Rav 4好5好駕?
請給我Toyota Rav 的資料(要二手的Toyota Rav)


要寫中文牙! (THX!~)

回答 (2)

2007-10-09 12:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
RAV4 is a good car, there are two points of view,
If you gonna use your car more than 5 years, i will recommend you to get the 06 model, due to you dont care much for the resale price, since 5 years car have not much difference on resales price!
If you will only use your car shorter than 5 years and always think of changing car, then buy the 07 model, because the resales price will have a big difference after 3 years!
Consider that is a 4X4 car, RAV4 fuel consumption is at a good level, There are some other recommendation, Hyundai Sante Fe(new), Nissan Murano!
But i can say Rav 4 is the best around all!

P.S:I'm so sorry!I just know how to write in English...
參考: Toyota RAV4
2007-11-12 7:16 am
唔係喎, 你寫e-mail鬧我時識打中文喎. 係唔係copy and paste唔識翻譯啊?

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