
2007-10-08 2:08 am
Customers needed the handbag from Gucci is the same as people starving of basic necessities, such as water and beauty. They want high qualified, easy-carried and a symbol of wealth and luxury, because it represents their characteristics, knowledge, culture and personalities.

回答 (2)

2007-10-09 1:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
Customers had a keen need for the handbags from Gucci, analogous to the human basic necessities, such as water and beauty. They demand high-quality, portability and symbolic wealth and luxury because Gucci is a sign of their characters, knowledge, culture and personalities.

(Note: In contrast to the fd above, I have preserved your sentences as far as possible. Hope I can help u.)
參考: Myself
2007-10-08 2:42 am
The people who purchase handbags from Gicci, share the same needs of water and beauty, as all other people do.
They want high quality items that can be easily carried around, as a symbol of their wealth, knowledge, individualities and nonetheless, culture.
參考: 旺財番泥^^

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