please rewrite sentence

2007-10-08 1:07 am
1)The next year the family went back to Ocean Park.

2)The next year the family came back to the Ocean Park.


thank you~

回答 (2)

2007-10-08 1:24 am
✔ 最佳答案

如果用"came back"即是你現在是在Ocean Park ,or is a member of the Ocean Park. e.g. He came back home.

所以用第一句好D, 不過Ocean Park 前要加"the".

Or you can change the sentence to :
"The next year the family visited the Ocean Park again."
2007-10-08 1:13 am
No because next year = future tense. You should use future tense in you sentence. Therefore, it should be :-

The family will come back to Ocean Park next year.

2007-10-07 23:03:29 補充:
Dear winstonhaywood, "next year" is in future, how can you use pass tense in FUTURE ?? Please re-view your answer.

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