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西元 1930 年,日本京都帝國大學醫學博士 代田 稔,從人體腸道中分離出有益健康的乳酸桿菌,再經過『 累代培養 』的科學方法,成功地培育出『 耐胃酸及膽鹽 』的超級乳酸桿菌:
益力多代田菌〈 L. casei Shirota 〉
並在 1935 年開始生產養樂多,具體實現了『 補充有益乳酸桿菌幫助人體維持健康』的理想,更開啟了 廿一世紀『 益生菌健康法 』的概念。
What is Yakult?
Driven by the wish to contribute to a healthy society, in 1935 Dr. Shirota developed "Yakult", a healthy drink, designed with the purpose of maintaining the natural balance of the digestive system.
Yakult is a refreshing fermented milk drink. Each tiny bottle of Yakult contains 6.5 billion active bacteria of the strain Lactobacillus casei Shirota. This special strain of lactic acid bacteria is strong enough to survive gastric juice and to reach the intestines alive. It helps to maintain a healthy balance of the intestinal flora, important for good digestion.
More and more people all over the world drink a delicious bottle of Yakult regularly as part of a balanced, healthy diet.
Corporate name: YAKULT HONSHA CO., LTD.
Date founded: 1935
Date incorporated: April 9, 1955
Head office: 1-19 Higashi Shimbashi 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Telephone: 03-3574-8960
Paid-in capital: 31,117.65 million YEN
Annual account settlement date: March 31
No. of employees: 2,852
including 389 employees temporarily assigned to other companies and contract employees
(334 employees temporarily assigned and 55 contract employees) (as of March 31, 2007)
Main banks: Mizuho Bank, Resona Bank, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ