check grammar plz

2007-10-07 2:51 pm
And soon you will be sitting on the plane with a comfortable cushion. You can listen to the music and watch a movie. While you are looking at the beautiful sky view, you can enjoy your delicious lunch. Enjoy your time on board.

回答 (1)

2007-10-07 3:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
And(通常我們不會把and放在一句句子的開頭. 如果是對話便沒所謂) soon you will be sitting on the plane with a comfortable cushion. You can listen to music(不用the, 因為你先前沒有提及什麼music) and watch movies(a movie只限制了看一部電影). While you are looking at the beautiful sky view, you can enjoy your delicious lunch. Enjoy your time on board.

幾好, 沒有大問題 =]
參考: me

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