do guys cuddle with girls they dont like?

2007-10-06 10:33 pm
if a guy cuddles with you does it mean they like you?

回答 (12)

2007-10-06 10:35 pm
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I'd say there is a difference between hug and cuddle. A hug to me would be a brief embrace to say hello or good bye. A cuddle is longer, and generally only among two people who really care for each other.

So I would give a girl I didn't like a hug. But a cuddle is only for someone special.
2007-10-06 10:37 pm
There are 3 types...
1) Yes, he's interested in you, so he wants to feel closer.
2) He might be attracted to you at that moment, so he did that.
3) No, he just wants to cuddle at that moment! No more or less.

I think the best is to go and ask him or see what his body language tells you when he's towards you.
2007-10-06 10:37 pm
I try not to do anything with a girl I don't like. Yes, if a guy cuddles you it means he likes you at least enough to hold you.
2007-10-06 10:37 pm
Yes, a guy would only cuddle with a girl they like, unless it is very cold and there is no other way to get warm.
2016-05-18 9:12 am
you can not lump all guys in as one some guys love to cuddle you just have not found the right one. any guy who don't love to cuddle is either stupid or gay because when you cuddle you get to feel every bit of what the girl has and what she is all about.
2007-10-06 10:37 pm
If it's after any sexual contact then he likes you. If not then maybe he's only cuddling with you to get what he wants. Usually however a guy won't cuddle with a girl he really doesn't like except to sleep with.
2007-10-06 10:37 pm
a 'guy' would cuddle with a snake if he could hold it still long enough!!!
2007-10-06 10:36 pm
sometimes it could mean he likes you, or that means he is just very friendly
2007-10-06 10:36 pm
Yes if a guy cuddles with you the he obviously likes you unless he's drunk or something and doesn't know what he's doing. But other than that he's making his move on you and letting you know he's interested!
2007-10-06 10:35 pm
It should, but guys do what they want, so who knows?

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