How can i remove Ballpoint ink stains from my non slip flooring?

2007-10-06 4:28 pm

回答 (7)

2007-10-06 4:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Try some rubbing alcohol or Mr. Clean's magic eraser.=)
2007-10-07 6:18 am
no no don't use hairspray it will dull your non slip floor, are you ready for this nail polish remover
2007-10-07 1:47 am
magic eraser.. its a cinch. just wet the tip... and rub. works for permanent marker on the wall too.... i think its put out by mister clean... i just couldn't believe how good that worked
2007-10-07 1:27 am
TayLee is correct. Mr Clean Magic Eraser works every time.
2007-10-06 11:32 pm
Hairspray! I swear it works!
2007-10-06 11:32 pm
Hair-spray works well to remove ink from just about anything!
2007-10-06 11:31 pm

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