唔該!!!!幫我翻譯呀 中文譯做英文呀唔該 急呀!!!

2007-10-07 6:16 am
唔該!!!!幫我翻譯呀 中文譯做英文呀唔該 急呀!!!

這已經是香港回歸祖國後的第十個國慶日,而且今年鄰近中秋,氣氛就更加高漲了.最特別的是今年我提早起床,清晨時分就準備就緒,出門去位於灣仔會議展覽中心的金紫荊廣場參與國慶日的昇旗儀式.早上八時正,中國國歌隨即奏起,國旗於風中飄揚,緩緩高昇,在這一刻,這莊嚴的氣氛令我感受到這份前所未有可以身為中國人的驕傲. 驕傲過後最開心的當然是今天不用上學去.

回答 (3)

2007-10-07 3:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This was the the 10th National Day after reunification of Hong Kong to the motherland, and also it was so close to Mid-Autumn Festival, and so the holiday atmosphere was boosted. On that special day I got up in the early morning so as to go for the National Day flag-raising ceremony at the Golden Bauhinia Square of Wan Chai Convention and Exhibition Centre. At eight o'clock sharp, as the Chinese national anthem was played and flags fluttered in the wind, the national flag was slowly raised. In that moment, the solemn atmosphere made me have the unprecedented feeling of priding myself on being a Chinese. After the feeling of pride, I was of course more than happy to enjoy the day-off from school.
2007-10-09 3:49 am

2007-10-08 4:05 am
這已經是香港回歸祖國後的第十個國慶日,而且今年鄰近中秋,氣氛就更加高漲了.最特別的是今年我提早起床,清晨時分就準備就緒,出門去位於灣仔會議展覽中心的金紫荊廣場參與國慶日的昇旗儀式.早上八時正,中國國歌隨即奏起,國旗於風中飄揚,緩緩高昇,在這一刻,這莊嚴的氣氛令我感受到這份前所未有可以身為中國人的驕傲. 驕傲過後最開心的當然是今天不用上學去.


This is already Hong Kong returns to return a motherland behind of the tenth National Day, and this year close to Mid-Autumn, the atmosphere upsurged more.The most special is I get up in advance this year, morning hour divide into prepare is ready, the gold purple Jing square which goes out to be located the gulf Zi meeting exhibition center participates National Day to rise up an ensign rites.8:00 a.m. just, the Chinese national anthem starts to play immediately, national flag in flaunt in the breeze, rise sharply slowly, at this a moment, this solemn of the atmosphere make me feel this unprecedented can be Chinese pride. The pride is the later on the most happy of certainly is today don't need to go to school.


廿一世紀的翻譯社 - 譯言堂




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