我想買Pocket PC / Palm

2007-10-07 6:15 am
我想買部Pocket PC或Palm,請問那一款好用,主要紀錄data,但要可支援上網或用Windows Mobile,最好有拍攝功能,請提供model no.

回答 (3)

2007-10-08 1:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Beside the Model you want. Please remember that,

As I remember that, Palm O/S PDA has NO Wifi support, you have to buy additional Wifi Card to install it. And also, in the market, I think you should know, most of the PDA also running Window O/S. Not easy to get support to buy.

If you want to have 拍攝功能, I think you need to buy a Mobile with Windows Mobile O/S, as I remember that, no such many model PDA have 拍攝功能.

For the Windows Mobile O/S mobile phone, their have 2 version in the market, Windows Mobile Standard / Windows Mobile Professional. All I mention is version 6.0. Of course you still can find WM5 in the market, but do you think you still buy old version product?

The difference of standard and professional is, professional have touch screen function. And I can gave you some reference...

Standard Version Mobile - ~$3,000 - $3,800
Professional Version Mobile without keyboard - $3500 - $4,000
Prof Version Mobile with keyboard - $5,000 - $6,000

It also depend on the mobile speed, 3G, Wifi buildin, memory, etc...

You must need to go out to see... being some of the model too BIG... but still many ppls like to buy... all depend on what you want...
2007-10-23 9:24 am
Palm 的 TX 及 life drive 都內置wifi 支援 ....
2007-10-08 8:47 pm
Palm --
Palm Tungsten C (簡稱Palm TC)
Palm TX
Sony TJ37/UX-50 / TH55 (有WIFI版)

以上機款都有內置WIFI無線上網,不過因為兼容問題,好多網頁都睇唔到;而且Palm既O/S無Pocket PC咁複雜,所以要求cpu既速度唔高(所以CPU慢好多,但係因為行Palm O/S所以行得好順),但如果只用作記事既就綽綽有餘,

Pocket PC
HP 3417 (有鏡頭,WIFI, 藍牙,行WM2003)
HP 3715 (有鏡頭,WIFI, 藍牙,行WM2003)
HP 4150 (無鏡頭,有WIFI,藍牙,行WM2003)
HP 1950 (無鏡頭及藍牙,有WIFI,行WM5)
以上呢幾款既PPC屬於舊款但比較可信及襟用,出面都無乜邊度有得買全新(1950較新,外面應該仲有得賣),二手市場就大把貨,價錢最高都係1000左右(高過就買過部新好過);其他市面上既新機你要考慮既話,走入百老X問下混下吉,佢地會介紹好多款俾你,唔使錢又可以知多d野,如果買機先考慮HP,其他牌子(如Acer, Mitac等)就睇下價錢先再問人。

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