
2007-10-07 4:15 am
I want to buy a laptop (16000hkd)+, but dont have the cash. I started work for about one month, new in hk. Anyone got any advise???

回答 (1)

2007-10-09 2:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
You got the permanent or temporary work? In HK, most people will buy things by credit card because some cards has installment plan without interest with specify merchant shop in a specify period. Therefore, you could apply a credit card 2 months after, cause bank will require the lastest 3 months income statement. You could go to the shop to ask what kind of credit card has installment plan then you apply that. But, if your work is temporarily then I think this method is not suitable to you and only one way you can do........saving!

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