2007-10-07 2:46 am
1, A circle C cuts the x-axis at A and B, and the y-axis at P and Q. it is given that AB=2 and major arc PQ:minor arc PQ =3:1. the distance from the center G of the circle C to the line x-2y=0 is d=1/ √5 find the equation of circle C.

2, three pt. A(0,-14) B(-5,1) and C(7,-5) are given. A perpendicular is drawn from A to the line BC. the foot of perpendicular is D.
a) find the equation of the circle passing through the pt. A,C and D.
b) find the ratio of the areas of △ADC and △ADB.

回答 (1)

2007-10-07 6:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
1, A circle C cuts the x-axis at A and B, and the y-axis at P and Q. it is given that AB=2 and major arc PQ:minor arc PQ =3:1. the distance from the center G of the circle C to the line x-2y=0 is d=1/ √5 find the equation of circle C.
一係你分開 post 出黎

2, three pt. A(0,-14) B(-5,1) and C(7,-5) are given. A perpendicular is drawn from A to the line BC. the foot of perpendicular is D.
a) find the equation of the circle passing through the pt. A,C and D.
角 ADC = 90 deg.
AC is diameter of circle
mid-point = centre = (7/2, -19/2)
diameter = AC = sqrt(7^2 + 9^2) = sqrt(130)
circle :
(x - 7/2)^2 + (y + 19/2)^2 = [sqrt(130)/2]^2
(x - 7/2)^2 + (y + 19/2)^2 = 65/2

b) find the ratio of the areas of △ADC and △ADB.
slope of BC = 6/-12 = -1/2
slope of AD = 2
eqt. of AD : y + 14 = 2x
eqt. of BC : y - 1 = (-1/2)(x + 5)
solving, x = 5, y = -4
D = (5, -4)
area of ACD = (1/2) 乘 下面舊野
!0 -14!
!7  -5!
!5  -4!
!0 -14!
= (1/2)(-28 - 70 + 98 + 25)
= 25/2
area of ADB = (1/2) 乘 下面舊野
! 0 -14!
! 5  -4!
!-5   1!
! 0 -14!
= (1/2)(5 + 70 + 70 - 20)
= 125/2
ratio of the areas of △ADC and △ADB
= 25/2 : 125/2
= 1 :5

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