Help! 胰臟癌問題

2007-10-07 1:15 am

回答 (2)

2007-10-07 1:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
I the mean time, all you have to do is wait for 2-3 weeks until the fever and inflammation subside.
During these weeks, you have to pay attention to her health, because she will experience a very low body defense, so even a minor cold/ flu will make her suffer. So avoid going to crowded area, maintain general hygiene, and have a balanced diet.
For the vomiting, if it's too serious I suggest you admitting her to hospital, for intravenous fluid replacement with vitamins, or sometimes insertion of a tube to the stomach for direct feeding.
2007-10-07 10:58 am
癌症病人應少食多餐, 少肉多菜!
嘔是因為化療藥物的副作用, 請醫生開止嘔丸幫助她!

為增強抵抗力, 可多喝魚湯及多吃世花膠!

我朋友也有胰臟癌第4期, 更擴散至肝及肺, 他才40歲, 發現至今己4個月了, 化療也做了3個月, 每天都喝營養奶(專for癌症病人食用), 大量喝水, 魚湯, 吃菜, 蒸魚及花膠, 到現在醫生說他情況還算是正面!


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