Itinerary to australia?

2007-10-06 10:20 pm
my teacher tell me i need to write a writing about My Itinerary to australia
If you have five day to go to Australia travel.what is you Itinerary or idea?
please write
Day 1 :I will visit..........
Day 2 :I will visit..........
Day 3:I will visit..........
Day 4:I will visit..........
Day 5 :I will visit.......... (please) thank you very much

回答 (2)

2007-10-06 11:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Day 1 :I will visit the Melbourne city and Rod Laver Arena where the Australian Open takes place every year.
Day 2 :I will visit Sovereign Hill to learn about the gold-digging history of Chinese immigrants in the city.
Day 3: I will visit Philip Island and see the lovely penguins in an open area. If I am lucky enough, I will be able to see some seals as well.
Day 4:I will visit the Grampians National Park to appreciate the majestic rocks and the beautiful natural scenery of Melbourne countryside.
Day 5 :I will be back to the city and visit Melbourne University to experience the academic atmosphere there.

2007-10-06 15:06:44 補充:
I write this itinerary with the an assumption that you only stay in one city - Melbourne.
參考: me
2007-10-07 1:25 am
My teacher told me I need to write about my itinerary to Australia. If you have five days to stay in Australia, what is your itinerary or idea?

I would plan my travel to Australia in a way that I can experience as many aspects of the country as possible --- history, culture, geography, as well as fauna and flora.
Day 1: A visit to the museums. Before the Europeans came to Australia in the 19th Century, the indigenous people ruled the land. Today, only a small number of these aborigines survive and their culture is fast disappearing. Thanks to the museums, we are still able to take a look at what these people look like and learn about their history and culture.
Day 2: A visit to the zoos. Australia is famous for its many exotic animals; among them, the kangaroo and the koala interest me most. We can hardly see them anywhere else in the world, and I am longing to hold a lovely koala in my arms very much.
Day 3: A chance to watch soccer matches. The Australian soccer team is not a strong one when compared to many European and South American teams, but some Australian footballers playing in other countries are quite famous. Besides, soccer matches in Australia are not televised to Hong Kong. As a soccer fan, I am much interested in watching one or two of the matches there.
Day 4: A ticket to a pop concert. Quite a few of the international pop stars came from Australia, such as Olivia Newton John, Little River Band and Air Supply. If time is not right for me to watch one of these performing on stage during my stay there, at least I hope to join a pop concert in Australia to experience the sound, the atmosphere and the people.
Day 5: A visit to the Ayers Rock. It is the country's most recognisable natural landmark, appearing to change colours at different times of the day and year. What fascinates me most about Australia is the big red rock that protrudes suddenly from the ground. I have seen it many times in photographs, but now I want to see it before my very eyes.

fauna and flora = 動物羣和植物羣, indigenous people = 原居民, aborigines = 澳洲土著, exotic animals = 外國的奇異動物, koala = 樹熊, televised = 電視轉播, recognisable natural landmark = 一看便認出的天然地標, fascinates = 吸引, protrudes = (從地上)突出。
參考: My knowledge about Australia + dictionaries

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