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我的北京狗仔 has the same problem before. 醫生 injected some medication into his back then he can walk now la. But the doctor told me that has to be done within 48 hours. How long did this happen ga ??
Did that 醫生 do X-ray or IMR to check your dog's backbone ar ? If he just guesses, may be you should see another 醫生 for suggestions...not every 醫生 take 2萬幾 gae...
如果牠都好番了,為什麼要為牠找尋新主人???. 不要遺棄仔仔 ar....都陪你陪了咁多年la...試下 "張心比己" la....仔仔咁可憐...念吓你地咁多年的感情la...如果我是你, 我寧願吃少D 找多幾份工...都要醫番好仔仔la.... 為什麼你要在仔仔最需要你支持的時刻...可是你卻想選擇逃避責任le? 養狗是一生一世的責任ar !!!
Not enough $$ 做手術...try ask your family or friends for help la...錢可以還, 但是仔仔的生命and 幸福可是千金難換的ar...千萬不要放棄仔仔ar...