what will produce greenhouse gases...? (again)

2007-10-06 6:24 pm
what will produce greenhouse gases...? plzzz...(again)

回答 (2)

2007-10-06 7:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Development of the Economy:
Many of the developing countries, especially China, is logging out many of
the primitive forest for land use. On one hand, the industrial area grows bigger.
This means that much more of the greenhouse gases are being expelled from the
factories. This will also leads to the increase of traffic inside those urbanized cities.
As a result, more cars and vehicles are being introduced so that the usage of the
fossil fuel is also increased. On the other hand, the decrease in the area of forest
leads to the decline of absorption of carbon dioxide, which is a main constituent
of the greenhouse gases, by the plants. Keeping in mind that plantation is always
the neutralizing factor towards the pollution of air. So if they are to be disappeared
to a certain extent, it will be a big threat to the ecology.
As the blooming of economy, people are encouraged to consumptions what they
are not originally in need. This leads to the culture of wasting. Many of the
resources are being abused. Woods for papers, plastic bags together with foods
are being dumped without efficiently used. Animals are cultivated for their meat.
In this way the carbon dioxide and methane gases exhaled by the animals will
be another cause to the production of the greenhouse gases.
Furthermore, as global warming is becoming more severe, enormous of the
crystallized hydromethane(甲烷水合物), which are formed milions of years ago,
will also be released in the gaseous form. It is believed that the effect of global
warming due to the methane gases is several times bigger than that of the carbon
dioxide. So the cycle is inevitably deteriorating.

2007-10-06 12:02:55 補充:
記得啦! 係無線播果套叫' 生生不息生命力'. 如果有機會重播, 不彷留意下.不過多數擺係深夜先做, 最好教定錄影機啦.
參考: A documentary programme from TV
2007-10-06 6:27 pm
Because of industrial development, there produce more and more greenhouse gases. The factories use a lot of fossil fuel and produce a lot of greenhouse gases. This also a reason of global warming.

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