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2007-10-06 4:58 pm
At fourteen he wrote an essay on the aesthetics of music and also contributed to a volume, edited by his father, entitled "Portraits of Famous Men”.
In 1828 he left school, and after a tour, during which he met Heinrich Heine in Munich, he went to Leipzig to study law.
In 1829 he abandoned the pursuit, and instead, to use his own words, "Nature's pupil pure and simple" began composing songs.

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2007-10-06 5:05 pm
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At fourteen he wrote an essay on the aesthetics of music and also contributed to a volume, edited by his father, entitled "Portraits of Famous Men”.
In 1828 he left school, and after a tour, during which he met Heinrich Heine in Munich, he went to Leipzig to study law.
In 1829 he abandoned the pursuit, and instead, to use his own words, "Nature&;#39;s pupil pure and simple" began composing songs:

十四時,他寫了一篇文章,對音樂美學,也促成了體積,主編由父親題為"畫像著名男人" 。
1829年他放棄了追求,而是用他自己的話來說, "自然& ; # 39 ; 瞳孔純淨簡單的"開始創作歌曲。

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