sentence transformation 4

2007-10-06 8:28 am
He brought a second-hand car. He regrets it.
(combine using 'buying' and ending with 'car')

As it was a holiday, most shops were closed.

That problem must have been hard to solve.
(begin : That must)

Henry promised to help us but he did not.

回答 (2)

2007-10-06 8:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) He regrets buying a second-hand car.

2) Most shops being closed as it was holiday.

3) That must be hard to solve the problem.
2007-10-06 2:23 pm
1. He regrets after buying a second hand car
2. The day being a holiday, most of the shops were closed.
3. That must be a hard- to- solve problem.
4. Henry promised to help lest he didn't.
參考: flash of mind

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