I like this girl but I'm not very social with Girls?

2007-10-06 7:57 am
It's quite a dilemna. There's this 10th grade girl I like (I'm in 11th) that I finally took the guts to talk to in my chemistry class.

The problem was that I kept asking about her history class and I told her how lucky she was compared to me (I have AP US History class; I wasn't complaining, I compared our classes jokingly)

But suddenly, there were a lot of awkward moments because I ran out of things to talk about. >_< I would just keep staring at her textbook trying to think of what to talk about while she did her homework.

I made her laugh because I wore a fake beard today and was walking around school with it. It looked funny while I talked. At the end of the day, at least she told me bye. (She never talked to me before)

The problem here is that I'm not social unless I'm with my friends and I never have anything to talk about(with girls).
What can I say or ask her without making her think I'm desperate?

The second problem is that she always works in the class with her friend and that makes it uncomfortable to talk about personal things. *What do I do? To sum it up I have these problems that I need an answer to: - Since I'm not social I need ideas to talk about. - Her friend sits next to her in class making me feel uncomfortable asking personal things.


Joe C. , that doesn;t help me at all. I'm not social and that makes it hard to talk. I end up in awkward silence because I have nothing to say.

回答 (7)

2007-10-06 8:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Man you just need to relax. Sounds like your off to a star if youre talking to her. If you run out of things to say (which we all do with women) just make something up.
2007-10-10 6:45 am
You don't always have to be social with girls you just have to be calm and be yourself. Make a conversation about something exciting in your life and tell them how you felt. You just keep on going on and don't stop trying!
2007-10-06 3:03 pm
me too i am afaid of girl in dating and also afaid in social with girl but i am not gay i like girl but i support you to not afaid in social with girl
2007-10-06 3:02 pm
ask her how she is. get to know her, and just ask questions. people like talking about themselves.
2007-10-06 3:02 pm
why are u in her chemistry class if she is in year 10 and you are in year 11? i think your lying
2007-10-06 3:01 pm
Just be simple and straight forward
2007-10-06 3:00 pm
Stop making such an effort to plan and scheme what you're going to say, or worrying about not saying anything.

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