if you were in your mid 30's and dealing with childhood sexual abuse between the ages of 5-16. And your mom

2007-10-06 1:47 am
chose your step-dad over you and your sisters ( also abused) their whole life. now she's dying and he's NOT. what would you do?

回答 (9)

2007-10-06 2:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
blood is thicker than water, it sounds like your mom made some bad decisions in her life, but she is still your mom. i can never fully understand what you went through but the best and fastest way to make peace with all of this is to be there for your mom during her time of crisis, i also recommend talking to her about your abuses and her choice of your step-dad over her, you will find that by getting past these issues, you will have started down a path to redemption and healing. i also stress that durring this conversation with your sick mother, please try not to blame her in any way, while i understand that it was not your fault that you were abused and you could do nothing to stop it, the most helpful and most noble thing you can do is forgive her. the power to forgive is the greatest thing that humanity is blessed with, and if you have any feelings left for your mom at all, i hope you can find it in your heart to forgive her.

i hope everything goes well, and that your mom gets better,

sincerely yours,

Reverend EJ
2007-10-06 6:58 am
Move on you have to for the sake of your own sanity what ever may be left of it. dont have anything at all to do with your step dad and personally i cant believe that you mother chose him over her own children unfortunately this is always usually the case, so should you care that she is dying or not Nah uh uh what for..... she obviously didnt care when you needed her and as a mother my self she should have PROTECTED you and your sister not just worried about getting meat into her own bed!.
2007-10-06 3:40 am
Hun, I know what your going through and all I can say is go see your mom ask her about it, My mom died of cancer two years ago and my family raised Hell that I brought this up but I wanted to finally here the Truth about why it happened straight from her mouth.. Its a really long story so if u wana talk e-mail me....
2007-10-06 2:05 am
if i am in these way i will do that
2007-10-06 2:03 am
That's a tough question... I'd get counseling, but other than that, she is the one that has to deal with decision of choosing your step dad over you and your sister. There's nothing u could do but pray for her, and leave the step-dad alone.
2007-10-06 2:02 am
I wish I had a better answer, but only you know how you really feel. Just look deep into your heart and make a decision that you can live with. If it was me personally, I probably wouldn't have anything to do with my mom...but that is just me.
2007-10-06 1:58 am
Let her go. Prosecute him.
2007-10-06 1:53 am
Pretty tough answer here .I wouldn't know what to dowithout counceling.
2007-10-06 1:57 am
i'm sure that this is just a question you just happened to think about and it definitely doesn't relate to you in anyway...

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