I want to move back with my mom.?

2007-10-05 11:19 pm
i think i made a huge mistake by moving to my dads for highschool. i feel so out of place here in minnesota. ive made only 3-4 friends in 6 weeks! i really want to move back to my moms so i can be with my friends again. i really feel lonely up here. also im afraid to tell my dad this because he went through a boat load of trouble to get custody of me. what should i do? should i finish up my freshman year and then move or move now? i just have no clue. please help.

回答 (2)

2007-10-05 11:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think it takes some time for you to adapt to a new enviroment. You have been living with your mom for so long now you have to adjust to a new enviroment of course you don't feel confortable right now. Give yourself some time you'll make some new friends and everything will be fine.
2007-10-06 6:44 am
Changing schools in the middle of a school year is no picnic. I know from all the times we moved when I was a kid going to school.
I'd say go ahead and finish out the school year before making the final decision. By then you might have made more friends as well and decide you want to stay there.

Also as future reference consider the difference in the quality of education you will get a both places and which is better in preparing you for college.

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