how can i get my parents to let me out more?

2007-10-05 10:30 pm
my mom never lets me out. all she does is expect me to stay home all the time. it's so annoying. and i have a boyfriend and we've been going out for 4 months now, and she won't let me go out at all. if i introduce her to my friends, she judges them. she isn't letting me grow up. my older sister left the house at 16 cause they never let her out as well. she always jumps to conclusions. she doesn't let me out at all and she doesnt let me stay after school. i never get to go out. how can i get them to let me go out. im so tired of this. serious answers only please.

回答 (8)

2007-10-05 10:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think you need to build trust with your parents.Talk to them and let them know how u feel and tell them you are not gonna do anything wrong.tell them everything that u do and where u go.
2007-10-06 6:30 am
Kids tend to complaint about their parents but never reflect about themselves. If you want your parents to trust you then please do something to to gain their have confidience in you. Are you well behave all these times or do you get in trouble from time to time? Do you maintain a good standard academically? 3.5 GPA and above? Do you always keep your promise? For example you promise your parent to help in the house work at a certain time. Did you every finished the work on time. etc..
2007-10-06 5:45 am
I know your situation

You can scrub the whole house down with out being asked and your parents will still say no to letting you go out. Just say something like "I know you care about me, and you only want the best so can I go out somtimes. I promise to call you." Tell her that Sh!t she wants to here, and then do it. She will start to trust you more
2007-10-06 5:45 am
Have you tried talking to them about this? Do they know how you feel? Are you being honest with them? Do you sneak around? Usually you get to do more based on the level of trust and responsibility that you show them. If you are being honest and responsible and they still won't let you out, then you may just have to deal with it until you're 18 and can move out. Unfortunate, but they are your parents after all...Good luck!
2007-10-06 5:40 am
Maybe you should stop complaining and show your mom that your mature.

Do stuff without having to be asked
Do dinner
Do the dishes
Do the laundry
Keep your room clean
respect her and then maybe she will give you some freedom

TRUST ME the real world is scary enjoy your parents while you can!!
2007-10-06 5:38 am
why not talk to your parents about the trust issues she has with you and maybe come to some sort of an agreement, the reason she is like that is because she wants the best for you and maybe doesn't want her daughter growing up so fast. i also would suggest telling her where you are going and ringing her if you are going to come back home late.
2007-10-06 5:35 am
Reason with them and tell them you deserve to go out for doing the work that you're required to do, like getting your homework done and other chores or stuff like that. It's all about framing it in a way that will put you in a good light for the things you've done.
2007-10-06 5:34 am
how can I get my parents to let me out more?

thats easy,

find parents that don't care and love you.....and move in with them.

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