Need to go on date HELP!!! PLEASE?

2007-10-05 10:09 pm
this guy asked me to go on a date tonight but my brothers wont let me. They say hes a bad kid and that a 13 year old girl shoundnt be with him. I told my brother to f*** off and he slapped on the mouth and butt at the same time!!! Now my lip is swollen. Anyway how do I get my brothers to let me go on this date.

But I really want to go!!! Its not like the guy has ever killed anybody, all he did was shoplift. How bad is that? Besides my brothers dated at 13. Why cant I. They figure since dads gone all the time they are my dad. IDIOTS!!!!

回答 (7)

2007-10-05 10:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Slow down- your abusive brothers-oddly enough also love you enough to try and protect you. Thirteen is awfully young to go on any date, but with someone your family doesn't approve of is not a good idea. Guys talk more to other guys and I think maybe your brothers know more than you do about this guy. Maybe that swollen lip will remuind you to watch your mouth when speaking to others. I'm not saying it was right for him to hit you, but you disrespected him, too. THink seriously about what could happen. Imagine what your brother might do to this guy if he found out. You should protect the people you care about and I think that's what your brother is trying to do here.
2007-10-06 5:13 am
you don't. they're right. Be thankful you even have brothers that care about you.. you're 13 you have plenty of time to find other boyfriends that are no good for you :)
2007-10-06 6:45 am
13 year-old should hang out as a group, not a date. Enjoy your teenage year, why do you need to rush to have a date? Finish school first. Your brother is right, he's a guy so he must understand what's in the guy's mind better than you. You should respect your brother and lucky you to have such a brother.
2007-10-06 5:31 am
You need to tell your brothers to mind their own business but you and the boy should just start out as friends and continue from there.
2007-10-06 5:29 am
Darling you just need to take it easy and listen to your brothers,you should be grateful that u have someone to have a long way to go,you'll find better guys coming your way,than wasting time on some useless jerks,goodluck!!
2007-10-06 5:17 am
Why is this your brothers decision? That's not normal, but anyway, 13 is too young to be dating.
2007-10-06 5:16 am
You don't. Listen to your brothers. You do not NEED to go on a date, especially at 13. You may WANT to but this is a silly reason.

Learn to like yourself first.

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