Runescape 有玩入來

2007-10-06 6:45 am
唔知點解我一登入 可以行到 但係要等一陣先可以食food 開門等
以前好正常 點解變左咁 help

回答 (2)

2007-10-06 7:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Maybe your computer is lagging! Clean your temporary files, makes it faster. And you need to click 2~3 times untill it will happen...
2007-10-06 6:50 am
it's beacuse you're lagging.
also, there's always some problems with the game, one time, i can only open the friend list but i can't open the inventory.......maybe its my problem =.=

2007-10-05 22:51:32 補充:
ummm...what lvl r u?? add k s l jeremy

2007-10-05 22:53:05 補充:
i can = i could ......sorry, grammar mistake...

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