求boeing 747-400ER既資料(10分)

2007-10-06 6:42 am

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2007-10-06 7:21 am
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遠程型747-400(又稱延程型747-400ER)有客貨兩種機型,其大小與目前的747-400相同,但航程更遠或業載能力更大(客運或貨運)。 2000年11月28日,澳大利亞快達航空公司訂購了6架這種大型遠程飛機。目前,747-400ER(延程型)飛機已投入生產,預計將於2002年底投入營運。


747-400ER是波音應客戶需求而生產的飛機,與基本型747-400相比,更具現代特徵,性能也更高,且易於加入現有機隊。 747-400ER的起飛重量增至910000磅(412770公斤),比現有的747-400增加了35000磅(15876公斤),使飛機可多飛410海裡(760公里)或增加15000磅(6800公斤)的業載,其負載形式為載貨更多或滿載416名乘客。

747-400ER(延程型)客機的航程為7670海裡(14205公里)。 747-400ER貨機的最大起飛重量為910000磅(412770公斤),航程為4970海裡(9200公里)。





機師數目 : 2
載客量 : 416
長度 : 70.6米(231 英尺 10 英寸)
翼展 : 211 英尺5英寸 (64.4米)
高度 : 19.4米 (63 英尺8英寸)
空載重量 : 164,382公斤 (361,640 磅)
最大起飛重量 (MTOW) : 412,775 公斤 (910,000 磅)
典型巡航速度 : 0.855馬赫 (每小時567 英里, 913 公里, 490 節 at same altitude)
最高巡航速度 : 0.92馬赫 (每小時608 英里, 977 公里, 527 節)
MTOW時所需跑道長度 : 10,138 ft (3,090 m)
全載重時續航力 : 7,670 nm (14,205 km)
最大燃料容量 : 63,705 US gal (241,140 L)
全載時燃料消耗: (17.0 L/km)
動力裝置:(4具): PW 4062 GE CF6-80C2B5F
發動機出力 (x 4) : 63,300 lbf PW 62,100 lbf GE
參考: Wiki+Boeing website
2007-10-06 8:15 pm
Qantas acquired the world's first Extended Range Boeing 747-400ER passenger aircraft and now has six 747-400ER aircraft in the fleet.

The 747-400 has been the key to Qantas' long-haul success for the past 30 years. The 747-400ER is the same size as the 747-400 but has an enhanced performance capability. This will allow the plane to fly further or carry increased passenger and freight loads.

The Boeing 747-400ER also offers a number of interior improvements providing a greater sense of comfort and spaciousness in every cabin. The cabin has also been fitted with the Qantas Total Entertainment inflight entertainment system.

The aircraft operate on the Los Angeles and New York routes from Sydney and Melbourne

Maximum Take-off Weight: 412,769kg/910,000lb
Wing Span: 64.94ms/213.06ft
Overall Length: 70.40m/230.97ft
Vertical Fin Height: 18.96m/62.20ft
Cabin Width: 6.10m/20.01ft
Wing Area: 525m2/5650ft2
Average Cruise Speed: 920kph/572mph
Cruise Altitude: 29-43,000ft
Maximum Fuel Capacity: 227,572l/60,105gal
Range With Full Payload: 12,971km/8,060m
Freight Capacity: 10,976kg/24,198lb
Volumetric Payload: 48,208kg/106,280lb
Maximum Thrust: 276kN/62,100lb
Engines: CF6-80C2B5F

Qantas took delivery of the first B747-400ER on 30Oct2002, The aircraft entered commerical service on 8Nov2002 as QF11 from Sydney to Los Angeles.

Sources: from Qantas Airways
2007-10-06 6:45 am
The 747-400ER (Extended range) was launched on November 28, 2000 following an order by Qantas for 6 aircraft. This was ultimately the only order for the passenger version. The -400ER can fly an additional 805 km or carry 6,800 kg more freight. Qantas received the first -400ER on October 31, 2002.
The 747-400ER includes the option of 1 or 2 additional 3,240 US gallon body fuel tanks in the forward cargo hold. Manufactured by Marshall Aerospace, these tanks utilize innovative metal to metal honeycomb bonded technology to achieve an incredibly high dry weight to fuel volume ratio. Similar technology has been used in the development by Marshall of body fuel tanks for the 777-200LR and P-8A Poseidon MMA aircraft.
參考: wiki

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