
2007-10-06 5:25 am

1) 之前寄來的暫繳稅單,原來有好細集字話我仍未交稅單,不過我無留意到,今天至認真睇,不過已是一個多前的事。我也已交了應繳稅款,咁有無問題。
2) 我想問我是否要再次交報稅單,但我只有己交的影印副本
3) 我是否仍要寄回個張欠交及罰款回條
4) 我是否仍要交$600的罰款(不過我真的於截交前交回,都要交罰款,咪好唔低)

回答 (2)

2007-10-08 1:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
3) 我是否仍要寄回個張欠交及罰款回條?

The 欠交及罰款回條 is the compound penalty offer issued by the Inland Revenue Department (IRD). If you are sure that you have submitted your tax return before the tax filing due date, I recommend you NOT to sign. You have properly complied to the tax deadline, it is not fair for you to sign and agree that you have not filed tax return on time and agree to pay penalty for late tax filing.

1) 之前寄來的暫繳稅單,原來有好細集字話我仍未交稅單,不過我無留意到,今天至認真睇,不過已是一個多前的事。我也已交了應繳稅款,咁有無問題。

The 暫繳稅單 should have a phone number 2594 xxxx on the right top corner. Please call up that telephone number and quote your tax file number (i.e. sth number looks like 6x1-your ID card number). Once the IRD officier who answers your call is able to locate your file and confirm your identity, please ask for speaking directly with the case assessor (评税主任)。 This 评税主任 should be the person who handes your case in the IRD. Please explain to 评税主任 that you have filed your tax return on time on whatever date and you have retained a copy of the tax return you have filed. Also, you may like to mention that you overlooked the small print on the assessment (稅單) about 好細集字話我仍未交稅單。

Normally having heard the background of the case, the 评税主任 would ask you to submit a represention letter in written explaining your situation which you have filed on time and ask for waiver of the compound penalty. After receiving your written letter and the background cited on the letter, the IRD may consider to drop the compound penalty offer against you.

2) 我想問我是否要再次交報稅單,但我只有己交的影印副本
No need 再次交報稅單, but this may form part of your supporting documents to prove you have filed on time when you write your represnetation letter to the IRD mentioned above.

4) 我是否仍要交$600的罰款(不過我真的於截交前交回,都要交罰款,咪好唔低)
If the IRD accepts your written explanation and withdraw their action against you, of course there's no need to pay penalty.
2007-10-06 5:29 am

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