Professional accounting

2007-10-06 4:53 am

咁我想問呢,, 要讀d乜先做到投資銀行分析員架.. 要點樣prepare先做到.. 我幾like呢個wo..辛苦d我都ok.. al又要考到咩grade先得..


哈哈,,你1定係律師,,係咁叫我讀law,, 其實我都覺得讀law出路好,, 不過,,um,,我諗我都係冇乜potential讀到,,


你地2個真係好好人,, 你地d information好有用呀thz,,,

回答 (2)

2007-10-06 5:23 am
✔ 最佳答案










2007-10-07 19:25:12 補充:
一般要讀財務(Finance)或起碼BBA,及考CFA(財務分析師)(讀大學時完成吧)。一般大行都要外國名大學畢業,多數MBA,本地大學畢業非常難入國際著名投資銀行。其實BBA Law 都有機會,重有多種選擇/可能性(律師 會計師 分析員),前兩種不難做到!也有律師或會計師轉去做投資銀行的!!聽說HKU bba law收 ABB 左右吧。

2007-10-08 22:13:20 補充:

2007-10-08 22:18:34 補充:
有其他問題可發電郵到[email protected]我也迷惘過啊!!

2007-10-09 23:20:18 補充:
for the sake of completion, we may need someone working in accounting firm to give advice...
參考: me
2007-10-09 7:29 am
dengweiyou has pretty much answered the question. But to help you decide ur decision better, I will elaborate more and give a better figure.

Your HKCEE result is very good. You should give yourself a better plan for your future.

Basically, anyone who has a degree can be an accountant. To qualify you need to study professional qualification such as ACCA or CIMA..etc (one of these). Normally, a graduate from any degree who enters an accountancy firm can be given these courses for free and they will be studying while working with the firm. The starting salary is for a graduate is not fab...(around 10,000 HKD even for Big4 firms eg. PWC, KPMG). And don't forget studying while working is quite tough.
What is the benefit of the accounting degree? Basically if you hold an accounting degree, you will have exemption of some exams in ACCA... and it may give you a better chance to get a job in Big4 firms. From a friend who works in KPMG, I know that a lot of graduates inside don't really hold a accounting degree.

Now, of course time to mention the investment banking job. A fresh graduate who enters one of the international investment bank (eg. Morgan Stanely, Goldman Sachs) normally has starting salary of 20,000HKD to 50,000HKD. You may have heard from the news that a guy who entered ibank got 50,000. Why does the salary vary so much? It depends on what you do inside. Traders, Sales, Structurers, Research Analysts are amongst the top earners, while IT, operation, risk analyst are those on the lower range.

You can still enter investment banking with accounting degree. However, finance, quantitative finance, economics and subjects which have substantial maths elements (even engineering) give u a better chance. Of course 1st or 2nd honour, and traditionally overseas university graduates have better chances too. (becos of english communication)
The competition is extremely high, so the key is brushing up your financial knowledge and build up an interest in there. Then you will peform well in the interviews.

Please read, all written by myself.
參考: personally work in investment bank. and friends working in accountacy firms.

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