過去式、過去進行式、過去完成式 有咩分別+點用?

2007-10-06 3:21 am
用 "I eat apple. "做例子(其他都得既)...要加解譯同詳細

回答 (2)

2007-10-06 4:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
過去式 : i ate apple
用在書寫普通已經過佐的事情上, 通常單一句子後面會有時間說明,
如: i ate an apple last night
They lived in that house last year.(現在已經沒在住了 ,重點在於時間 :舊年)

過去進行式 : i was eating apple
用在表示在過去進行著一件事時, 有另一件事同時在那時候發生..
如: i was eating an apple when the phone rang.
i was jogging in the park when i saw him yesterday.
They were living at that house in 1990.(在1990年時,住在那間屋)

過去完成式 : i had eaten an apple.
如: i had eaten the apple before i knew it was brought by Alice.
i had finished my works before the dead line.
They had been living in that house for 5 years.
(現在已經沒在住了, 重點在於動作: : 住了5年)
參考: me..hope u understand what i mentioned above^^
2007-10-06 3:39 am
過去式 主動 被動
簡單式 主詞 + 動詞(過去式) 主詞 + was or were + 過去分詞
進行式 主詞 + was or were + 現在分詞
完成式 主詞 + had + 過去分詞
主詞 + had+ been + 過去分詞

1. 過去簡單式 (主動)
主詞 動詞(過去式) 表過去時間的副詞
I  (我) studied(讀書) yesterday (昨天)
He(他) studied yesterday
She(她) studied yesterday
You(你) studied yesterday
We (我們) studied yesterday
You (你們) studied yesterday
They (他們) studied yesterday
【翻譯】昨天 + 主詞 + 讀書

2. 過去簡單式 (被動)
主詞 was or were 過去分詞 表過去時間的副詞
I  (我) was taught by Mr. Lee.
(被李先生教) last year.(去年)
He(他) was taught by Mr. Lee. last year
She(她) was taught by Mr. Lee. last year
You(你) were taught by Mr. Lee. last year
We (我們) were taught by Mr. Lee. last year
You (你們) were taught by Mr. Lee. last year
They (他們) were taught by Mr. Lee. last year
【翻譯】去年 + 主詞 + 被 + 李老師教

3. 過去進行式 (主動)
主詞 was or were 現在分詞
I  (我) was reading. (看書)
He(他) was reading.
She(她) was reading.
You(你) were reading.
We (我們) were reading.
You (你們) were reading.
They (他們) were reading.
【翻譯】主詞 + 正在讀書(過去時間)

2007-10-05 19:41:54 補充:
4.過去完成式 (主動)主詞 had 過去分詞 【例句】 I  (我) had taken notes. (做筆記) He(他) had taken notes. She(她) had taken notes. You(你, 你們) had taken notes. We (我們) had taken notes. They (他們) had taken notes. 【翻譯】主詞 + 已經做筆記了(過去時間)

2007-10-05 19:42:12 補充:
5. 過去完成式 (被動)主詞 had been 過去分詞 【例句】 I  (我) had been cheated. (欺騙) He(他) had been cheated. She(她) had been cheated. You(你, 你們) had been cheated. We (我們) had been cheated. They (他們) had been cheated. 【翻譯】主詞 + 已被欺騙了(過去時間)

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