
2007-10-06 2:12 am
如果某航班冇客人OR 得一兩個客人仲會唔會起飛?

回答 (3)

2007-10-06 4:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實睇情況而定啦... 無話一定會飛定一定唔會飛既... 而係有好多野要睇既...
一. 如果來回程都無客或者非常少客... 佢地有機會會取消航班... 而就會張D客放落下一班機或者比佢坐第二間航空公司既機...
二. 一程無客或者非常少客... 但有機會回程機多客... 佢就一定會飛... 雖然呢班機會無錢賺, 但係回程機既客已經夠佢賺返晒返黎...
三. 來回程都無客或者非常少客... 佢地有機會會照飛... 因為佢可能有好多貨,而只係用機肚放貨已經夠佢賺返晒返黎...
所以其實真係好難講佢會唔會只有一兩個客都照飛... 其實都好睇返其他因素既... 就算呢一程機只係得三幾個客... 佢都有機會飛或者唔飛... 而飛唔飛就睇返好多因素, 而上面果三個只係其中三樣...
2007-10-06 2:37 am
不論航班上坐滿或只得一人, 班機都會起飛, 因為航班早已訂立(除特別事情而取消).
飛機係空中飛比停係停機坪仲要平. 以前係試過有呢個情況.
參考: own
2007-10-06 2:25 am
Yes it will as this case will not happen. Airline company will sell the ticket at very low price to attract customer if it forecasts there is very little customer. Even if it is still not successful to sell more ticket, the company will still consider to keep the flight as there will be customers in the return trip. In addition, the parking fee for a plane is also very high which make it unlikely to have a plane idle in the airport!

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