
2007-10-05 8:22 pm

回答 (4)

2007-10-06 12:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實次按問題現在才剛剛浮現, 未來可能將有更多次按銀行破產, 格老的說可信程度有幾高?你自己判斷吧~

[2007-10-03] 格老一言 舞高全球股市
 【本報訊】(記者 荊才)前聯儲局主席格林斯潘前日在倫敦發表的次按信貸危機已近尾聲言論,為全球股市打了強心針,令道指重新振奮創出收市新高,更引發全球股市昨出現新「股舞」,歐洲股市造好,亞股也顯得牛氣沖天,港股首破二萬八,日韓股市也創出新高,澳紐及東南亞主要股市收市全線上升,大有否極泰來之態。
韓朝首腦會晤 韓股升2.6%
美樓跌勢持續 調整剛開始
2015-06-07 5:31 pm
我自己本身有玩期貨拉 我這裡推薦大昌期貨~! 也可以開期貨 是**(合法卷商) **可安心 聯絡開戶
不知道你有沒有開過大昌呢?手續費也不會很貴蠻便宜低價的 ,營業員態度也很好,重點線路也很穩定喔!!
如果你覺得不錯,可以找我營業員開戶喔!! 人也很漂亮^^ 叫 蔡語璇 是大昌的營業員
她的 部落格 再這:
★LineID:yuhsuan102 (也可以用LINE直接聯絡他開戶)
裡面可以直接填開戶表單 找她預約開戶裡面都有聯絡方法~~可以說我推薦的喔~^^
2007-10-08 8:57 pm

SUB-PRIME, as it is called, is the area of the US mortgage market where those who have been refused credit for a host of good reasons can obtain it, at a price. It existed for years at an innocuous one per cent or so of the total market.

By 2005, sub-prime had become four per cent of the mortgage market. Alan Greenspan said at the time that this was good for the economy and the consumer. It is now 14 per cent. From his deck-chair in the sun, he finally chose to talk publicly of excesses: too much too soon, it's all become too big, losses will follow. There must be stringent government controls of banks and control of credit if disaster is to be averted. However, he was speaking of China.

Sub-prime loans were bundled together and split into tranches. Institutions could buy tranches and invest cheaply, whilst in theory managing the risk. The bundles are known as collateralized debt obligations, or CDOs, and provided very good interest rate returns as long as the interest was generally paid and their market values remained constant. These limitations were somehow hidden from the financial world ­ after all, who had ever heard of higher returns creating higher risk?

The concept was particularly unheard of amongst secured debt hedge funds. It was easy money; they could borrow at perhaps two or three percentage points below these wonderfully secure returns, and borrow they did. Bear Stearns lost funds. Sowood fell 50 per cent in July alone, with good support from Antipodeans such as Absolute suspending trading and Basis losing 80 per cent.

What was it that hit them so hard? Defaults were at 13.5 per cent, which is high but within the expected range. (Again, you have to question the offering of such debt when lenders expect one borrower in seven to suffer severe hardship and add yet more negatives to their credit scores.)

The problem was not the percentage but the sheer volume. It resulted in CDO values being written down or in some cases not even quoted. It was bad for the banks but disastrous for the hedge funds involved. They had leveraged the 2-3 per cent returns 10 or more times, confident they could manage the expected default rate. No one had reckoned on an asset losing favour and with it, value. As CDO values were progressively marked down, the banks who lent to the funds progres-sively made their margin calls. CDOs could not even be given away, so to raise capital the funds had to sell their good assets. For some funds, their entire stock of good assets was not enough. And it just got worse. Now we have two German banks and a British one, Northern Rock, needing emergency funding from their central banks just to stay afloat. These are not fancy private banks, they are good old deposit takers and mortgage lenders. Northern Rock is the UK's fifth-largest provider of domestic mortgages. Now, if it too succumbed to the temptation of this source of easy profit, my question is: which bank did not?

Stephen P Gollop, CEO
Tyche Group Ltd
參考: http://www.tyche-group.com/en/news_market_truth.php (Market Truth September 2007)
2007-10-06 2:04 pm

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