
2007-10-05 4:36 pm
1. The cost of a private pilot course is $4250. The flight portion costs $1500 more than the ground school portion. What is the cost of each?

2. An appliance store is having a sale on 13 VCR models. They are displayed left to right in order of increasing price. The price of each VCR differs by $60 from that of each adjacent VCR. For the price of the VCR at the extreme right, a customer can buy both the second and the sixth models. What is the price of the least expensive VCR?

回答 (1)

2007-10-05 5:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.The cost of a private pilot course is $4250. The flight portion costs $1500 more than the ground school portion. What is the cost of each?

Total is $4250
Let X=flight portion
& Y=ground school portion
We know:
X-Y=1500 - - - - - (1)
X+Y=4250 - - - - - (2)

Because X+Y=4250

Flight portion=$2875
Ground School Port=$1375

2. An appliance store is having a sale on 13 VCR models. They are displayed left to right in order of increasing price. The price of each VCR differs by $60 from that of each adjacent VCR. For the price of the VCR at the extreme right, a customer can buy both the second and the sixth models. What is the price of the least expensive VCR?

The cheapest on the left and the most expensive on the right
Let the cheapest VCR=X

SO the order of the VCR would be:
X – (X+60) – [X+(2x60)] – [X+(3x60)] – [X+(4x60)] – [X+(5x60)] – [X+(6x60)]
– [X+(7x60)] – [X+(8x60)] – [X+(9x60)] – [X+(10x60)] – [X+(11x60)] – [X+(12x60)]

The most expensive one is X+(12x60)
= the second and sixth model
= (X+60) + [X+(5x60)]

X+(12x60) = (X+60) + [X+(5x60)]
X + 720 = X + 60 + X + 300

So, the price of the least expensive VCR = $360

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 20:00:19
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