
2007-10-05 11:09 am
如題, 歪理的英文

回答 (5)

2007-10-05 3:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There is only a similar word to 歪理, i.e.
(meaning) a reason or an explanation that tries to show sth is true when it is really false
參考: google translate and Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary 6th Edition
2017-01-06 11:21 am
full of non-sense
2007-10-08 1:38 am
如果用作正式的用途(formal uses), 可用 fallacy, sophism.
如果用作責罵的用途(informal uses), 可用bullshits(有粗口成份), moonshine(程度較前者輕).
參考: 自己
2007-10-05 8:06 pm
Sophistry (n) 意即- 詭辯, 但與歪理的意思有出入.
歪理即....忸曲事實, 英文必需用一連句來譯它: Twisted-the-fact
例句: The lawyer accused the defendant to guilty by twisted-the-fact.
參考: SELF & The client by John Crisham
2007-10-05 1:31 pm
English doesn't have 歪理
You can use Quibble = 謬論
參考: yahoo

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