
2007-10-05 6:30 am
1. 纖得健康,用心為客

2. 時下既女士個個都話要減肥, 但佢地又懶做運動,飲食唔均衡~~咁ABC公司就針對每位顧客的肥胖成因,運用舞蹈,纖體儀器及均衡飲食,幫d客人減肥~~



5. o係roadshow賣廣告, 加埋d真實個案, 拍攝佢地客人既纖形過程, 令其他想減肥既人士都覺得間公司有說服力

6. 做問卷調查,問下d人abc公司有咩地方做得好,有咩做得唔好,或者有冇需要改善既地方


回答 (1)

2007-10-05 7:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Get slimmer in a healthy way, Listen to what the customers say
[[ 以上呢句我整到佢押韻!! ]]

2. Nowadays, most of the ladies want to keep fit but they are too lazy to do exercises and their diets are not balanced. Therefore, ABC Company decides to suit the remedy to the causes of obesity of every customer by using dancing, slimming mechines and balanced diets. They help to customers to lose pounds.

3. Since they have professional staff for customers to set the most suitable dance steps and treatment, as well as professional group to follow the progress to reduce weights, so it is needed for the staff to be equipped with this kind of knowledge.

4. To increase the number of staff: There is a "One to One Dancing to lose weight" Treatment so they need more tutors to teach customers how to keep fit.

5. To make the people who want to keep fit believe in what they say, they have advertisement in Roadshow, show real cases and record the processes of keeping fit of their customers.

6. In order to know what they have done well and bad , ABC Company sends out questionnaires to ask for public opinions.
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