點解做完激光矯視會影響夜間飛行? 40分!

2007-10-05 5:54 am

請各位回答.. 謝謝!

回答 (3)

2007-10-06 1:34 am
✔ 最佳答案

2007-10-11 00:10:40 補充:
現附上激光矯視之風險有關網址,供大家參考,其中"對強烈燈光敏感或在昏暗環境下減低視力 , 但有部份人在未做矯視前亦有此現象。"最為敏感,相信要矯視技術有相當改進,民航管理局才會放寬。樓主可以同wilsonlovesjunkmail君一樣,當以上資料是廢話,但是直至現在,都是真的。http://www.hklasereye.com/chi/product/lasik_risks.html

2007-10-11 00:19:15 補充:

2007-10-11 12:30:08 補充:
2007-10-05 11:51 pm
this bothers VFR flying only!
If you're talking about airline pilots like CX/KA, they fly with IFR, i.e. only looking at the instruments.

2007-10-05 15:51:40 補充:
AND Lasik of newer generation has much reduced effect on this.

2007-10-05 23:05:40 補充:
"民航條例是不容曾經做過手術之飛機師飛行,而激光矯視是手術之一種,將來技術改進可能得以括免,但現在尚不能飛行。如果是駕駛私家小型飛機就不在此限。如果激光矯視失敗,是會引起白內障等後遺症的,而有可能在幾年後出現,可能因此不獲括免。 "=== 全部是錯!!! i.e. 廢話

2007-10-08 13:13:03 補充:
and~ NO RULE stipulates that pilots cannot undergo LASIK!

2007-10-11 09:27:03 補充:
NO RULE stipulates that pilots cannot undergo LASIK!! and there HAVE been pilots undergone lasik.Lasik of newer generation has much reduced effect on this.

2007-10-11 09:31:11 補充:
民航管理局 = ?In HK, we only have 民航處 and 機場管理局. and none of the two entities have rule against Lasik. as long as the applicants fullfill the eyesight requirement, Lasik or not is not an issue.

2007-10-11 16:15:46 補充:
there are pilots in CATHAY PACIFIC, DRAGONAIR and MANY other airlines who have undergone Lasik.

2007-10-11 16:16:48 補充:
國際之要求 (i.e. ICAO) doesn't have rules against Lasik.

2007-10-11 16:30:04 補充:
在飛行途中突然眼睛不適,你會否害怕呢?(1) please note there is "cooling off period" between lasik and actual flying(2) that's why there are at least 2 pilots in the cockpit and such arrangement covers most cases (regardless lasik, stomache etc).
2007-10-05 6:05 am

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