
2007-10-05 5:50 am

回答 (4)

2007-10-05 5:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hong Kong is a mountainous city in which there are a few flat lands.

2007-10-05 22:06:22 補充:
回應 Susan Lau 的建議﹕因為你指出香港的山不高﹐ 我同意用 hilly 代替 mountainous.但我不同意 flatland﹐ 因為 flatland可以有 s 的﹐ 我問過我先生 (美國人)﹐ 他也說 flatlands.
2007-10-06 12:49 pm
Hong Kong is hilly with little flat lands
參考: flash of mind
2007-10-05 8:09 pm

1. mountainous 不錯是多山, 可是香港彈丸之地, 山最多是山丘/hills, 不是大山/mountain. 用hilly 比 mountainous準確

2. land 解作"土地"時是uncountable. 只有解作"有產權的地產" / 或"國家的疆土" 時才可以用複數lands

根據樓上的答案, 改為:
Hong Kong is a hilly city with little flat land.

2007-10-05 12:06 pm
Hong Kong full of hills and mountains, but has less of level grounds

Good Luck...

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