
2007-10-05 5:45 am
本人曾從事銷售員, 因為經常要站立的關係, 腰背和大腿開始覺得痛, 之後每當站得久, 坐起來伸直腳或"烏"低身, 這兩個地方也會扯著痛, 想知道是什麼毛病和怎樣醫治? 這問題已困擾了好幾年, 希望各位可以幫幫忙.....

回答 (1)

2007-10-05 6:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
Consider sciatica because of the radiating pain. You might have prolapsed intervertebral disc that gives you the problem. Orthopedic opinion is necessary plus investigations such as CT scan of your lumbosacral spine to diagnose prolapsed disc.
This is especially likely if you have weak muscles in your legs ( which you did not mention).

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