F.4 maths

2007-10-05 4:22 am
1. If A nad B are the roots of the equation ax²+bx+c=0, then the roots of the equation 4ax²-2bx+c=0 are ?
Ans+ -A/2, -B/2

2.If the sum of roots of the equation x²+px+p²=0 is 2p-6, the product of roots is?
Ans: 4

*Plz avoid using the A.maths methods as it's maths Qs. THZ!

回答 (2)

2007-10-05 4:35 am
參考: Myself~~~
2007-10-05 4:30 am
A+B = -b/a AB = c/a

For the equation, 4ax²-2bx+c=0
Sum of roots = 2b/4a = b/2a = -(A+B)/2
Product of roots = c/4a = AB/4
Let P and Q be the roots of the equation 4ax²-2bx+c=0
P+Q = -(A+B)/2
PQ = AB/4
P = -Q-(A+B)/2
-Q^2 - (A+B)Q/2 = AB/4
Q^2 + (A+B)Q/2 + AB/4
Q = -B/2 or -A/2 **Using the formula x= [-b+-sqrt(b^2-4ac)]/2**

The answer is -B/2 or -A/2

2.Sum of roots = -p = 2p-6
3p = 6
p = 2
Product of roots = p^2 = 2^2 = 4

Note the sum of roots and products of roots has been out of syllabus in the Maths syllabus.....so these two questions should be A. Maths questions instead.

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